Village Earth

Consultation Services

Village Earth provides technical support, consultation, evaluation and networking services to individuals, communities, non governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, and academic institutions. We can work with your group to develop a tailored and affordable package of services to help enhance your programs in the field. These might include:

Data Collection


Village Earth works with Native American Tribes to conduct their own Census’ that have been used to challenge federal funding formulas such as the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG). Clients include Red Lake Nation, Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, Oglala Sioux Tribe, Sincangu Housing Authority, and Lower Brule.

Mapping and GIS


Village Earth works with our clients to collect data and develop GIS maps and applications used for research, analysis, advocacy and outreach. Clients include National Geographic Society, National Parks Service, Indian Land Tenure Foundation, Thunder Valley CDC, etc.

Documentary Film


Village Earth can produce documentary and community-based films to help tell your community story, raise awareness about an issue, or solicit community feedback for narrative evaluations. Past clients include Tribal Link Foundation, Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, etc.

Evaluation Services


Village Earth provides monitoring and evaluation services to the aid and relief community. We can help with all aspects of program theory and logic model development, community-based participatory evaluations, developing indicators, data collection instruments, analysis and reporting.
    • Consultation on program theory and design.
    • Assessment, monitoring and evaluation of your organization’s programs in the field.
    • NAHASDA – IHBG Census Challenges
    • Tribal Housing Unit Mapping/Inventories/Rural 911 Maps
    • Community-Based Mapping and GIS.
    • Narrative Evaluations
    • Assistance with the development of evaluation or research design including sampling methods, instrument
    • design, data collection, and evaluation.
    • Developing and managing online and in-person training programs
    • Methods for community participation in monitoring and evaluation activities.
    • Hosting conferences, workshops, or other events with partner organizations.
    • And more…

Some of our past clients include:

  • Association of American Indian Physicians

Conducted an assessment of the capacity of their HIV/AIDS coalitions in Oklahoma.

  • Bubar-Hall Consulting

Provided technical support and training for their successful
NAHASDA – IHBG census challenge on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota.

  • CARE: Bosnia

Provided training in micro-finance.

  • Centura Health

Evaluated their health clinic projects in the Peruvian Amazon.

  • Chicago Field Museum

Served as trainers and consultants for their projects in the
Peruvian Amazon.

  • Community, Housing, Finance (CHF)

Provided training in community-based development in Azerbaijan.

  • Dakota Pilot Project Joint Venture

Served as lead household mapping and household survey contractor for simultanous need’s assessments on the Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Turtle Mountain, Lower Brule, and Cheyenne River Reservations. [Video]

  • Department of Anthropology at Colorado State University

Developed four online courses in Development Anthropology.

  • Engineers Without Borders – USA

Hosted training in community mobilization for Northeast Regional Chapters of EWB. Presented at their 2009 & 2010 conferences.

  • Family Connection Center, Utah

Provided training in community mobilization to its core staff. Amazon.

Global Social & Sustainable Enterprise MBA program at Colorado State University
Developed and deliver a one-day training each semester in Community Dynamics and Development for their MBA program.

  • Government of Cameroon

Provided training in community-based water resources management.

  • Government of South Africa

Provided training in community-based water resources management..

  • Government of Sri Lanka

Provided training in community-based water resources management.

  • Indian Land Tenure Foundation

Developed Strategic Land Planning Map Book for the Pine Ridge Reservation, Facilitated strategic Land Planning workshops for residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation, and collaborated on an article for their newsletter decoding the Government forms needed by Native Americans to consolidate and utilize their lands.

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
Developed trainings in gender mainstreaming, community service and leadership fundamentals, and participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) focusing on Most Significant Change technique. Worked as M&E consultants on a Youth Civic Engagement and Dialogue in Romania and Moldova.

  • International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Provided training, assessment, monitoring and evaluation on implementing the “Village Earth Approach” across the the southern region of Azerbaijan

  • Inti Wayna Foundation

Provided training and consultation in community-based development in indigenous communities in Peru.

  • Lakota Funds

Conducted survey and evaluation of their Eagle’s Nest Housing project on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

  • Mercy Corps International

Provide cluster development training for their projects in Azerbaijan. Hosted a conference of NGO’s working in Azerbaijan.

  • NOAA

Facilitated assessment of community-U.S. Forest Service interactions.

  • Nigerian Youth Service Corps

Provided training and consultation for connecting their Youth Service Programs to community-based projects

  • National Geographic Society

Consulted on the map included in the article “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse” in the August 2012 edition of National Geographic Magazine.

  • Oglala Sioux Tribe

Conducted community-based census to challenge the Federal Census resulting in 81% increase in the HUD recognized population (from 15,861 to 28,787)‏ and a $1, 292,000 increase in their annual IHBG allocation starting in 2006.their lands.

  • Philanthropiece Foundation

Provided training in community mobilization for their Board and Staff.

  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Conducted community-based census to challenge the Federal Census resulting in a 230% increase in the number of AIAN households with household expenses greater than 50% of income and a $713,150 increase in their annual IHBG allocation starting in 2007

  • Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian

Provided film for their permanent exhibition.

  • Southern California Association of Governments

Served as consultant to enhance outreach to Native American Tribes regarding their long-range transportation planning.

  • Sustainable Schools International

Provided training and consultation on their education programs in Cambodia. in 2006.their lands.

Presented on Apporopriate Technology at conferences in Ethiopia, Malaysia, and South Korea..
  • World Council of Churches: Armenia Round Table

Provided training and consultation in community-based development for Armenian NGO’s that are part of the WCC’s Armenia Round Table.

Tribal Link Foundation
Facilitated a community-based film project with Zapara and Kichwa communities along Peru’s Rio Tigre.

  • Trisakti University, Jakarta Indonesia

Helped develop and train instructors for a new Ph.D. program in Sustainable Development Management.