Dear friends,
I have spoken today with Lucho, Ahua’s grandson, who is now with Ahua in the town of Puyo. Ahua was flown out of Bameno yesterday afternoon in a small aircraft. Lucho, his grandson, who is also married to Penti’s daughter Mencaye, accompanied Ahua to Puyo. Ahua is now in the hospital and receiving medical care.
A few days ago Ahua went hunting with his son Bai (Penti’s older brother). They went far away from the community and had hunted a pheasant and a wild boar. As they were far away, night fell and they were still on the way back, walking through the jungle. In the dark, Ahua fell and hit himself very badly and he had a open would on his leg. The two managed to get home. Ahua’s wound was deep and he also had a concussion, the leg became swollen, painful and infected. In a couple of days the wound became very infected and he had to be taken out immediately as his condition was worsening fast.
Thanks to your help he is now in the hospital receiving medical treatment. He was much better this afternoon, the swelling is slowly diminishing, but Ahua still needs to be treated for the bad infection that penetrated deep in his leg. When I spoke with Lucho on the phone, he was in the hospital next to Ahua and he was explaining to him that a bunch of friends (all of us) are sending him money to get treated. The money is also helping Lucho stay in Puyo, and is also providing food (3 meals daily) for both Lucho and Ahua.
On Tuesday, the doctors will check Ahua again and assess his condition. I will keep you updated.
THANK YOU to all of you who were so responsive with this emergency. Many thanks from Ecuador as well, from Ahua, Lucho, Penti and the rest of the Huaorani family in Bameno.
I am really grateful for your kindness,
Luminita Cuna, Maloca Project Director