We are pleased to announce the launch of the latest version of the 1000+ volume Appropriate Technology Library now on USB and optimized for eBook readers. Our lightest, most compact version of the Appropriate Technology Library now comes with book covers, metadata along with a powerful open source eReader software that makes it easy to select and sync books to your favorite eReader, tablet, or smartphone. Plus, we integrated the Appropriate Technology Sourcebook summaries of each book directly into each books metadata.
The Appropriate Technology Library is the most comprehensive, compact, and cost effective appropriate technology and sustainable living resource in the world! The AT Library contains the full text and images from over 1000 of the best books dealing with all areas of do-it-yourself technology. Portable and easy to use on 1 USB, 2 DVDs or 28 CDs. The AT Library is currently in use in over 74 countries worldwide. It’s like a portable internet of appropriate technology solutions!