Update from Kanchana Weerakoon, Director of Eco-V, Sri Lanka
ECO-V is a non-profitable voluntary organization established in 2001, engaged in environmental conservation in Sri Lanka. ECO-V has a network of 400 volunteers throughout Sri Lanka who contribute to research and community work to support conservation of the environment. They are always looking for local and international volunteers.

We continue the “Nature Kids” program to connect kids under 12 with Mother Nature. We started this with 6 kids in May and now we have over 67 registered and average number of participants on every Thursday is 30! We are getting more invitations to run one day workshops for kids in international schools, Pre-schools and company societies.
In parallel with “Nature kids” we have another program on every fortnight targeting semi rural kids. It’s also becoming popular among kids and parents.
Due to continued requests we had from people, we started weekly running educational stall at Good Market in Colombo. It’s all about conservation education and green consumerism.

We we continue our work on training and Nature education area successfully.