Using Sports to Develop Future Leaders in Cambodia:
Empowering Youth in Cambodia (EYC) has had great success in developing young leaders from marginalized backgrounds that are now helping to build their country back and help others overcome barriers. To nurture and develop young people requires a holistic approach, and so one of EYC’s many unique offerings is a sports programs for their students. EYC’s sports include cycling, football (soccer), yoga, ultimate frisbee, swimming and dancing; each activity providing opportunities for teamwork, physical development, and fun. EYC has plans to focus on greater numbers of girls participating. Please consider making a donation to support these amazing young people and have your impact grow. https://villageearth.org/global-affiliates/empowering-youth-cambodia
EYC works in four slum areas in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and together with the community, we empower vulnerable young people through education, mentoring and direct support. www.eycambodia.org