Help Build a Youth Center on Pine Ridge!
Help the Wounded Knee Community Development Corporation (WKCDC) employ youth to renovate this old one-room schoolhouse into their own youth center! They need to raise $5000 by June 30th to purchase the remaining supplies for the project.

The Wounded Knee CDC has been approved to administer funding from the Federal Job Training Partnership Act, enough to pay approximately 40 youth (ages 14-22) from the district to transform an old one-room school-house into the Wounded Knee Youth Programs Facility. However, the funding does not cover the entire amount needed for materials and supplies. They Need Your Help! Your donation will not only help create a youth center, it will also provide valuable job training for youth in one of the poorest counties in the United States. Village Earth has created a special fund to receive donations for their project. All donations received through this fund are 100% tax-deductible. 90% of the funds will go directly to purchase materials and supplies for the project, the remaining 10% will cover transactions feeds, administration and promotional expenses of Village Earth. For the long-term, the Youth Center will be managed and maintained by the Wounded Knee CDC.
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