Submitted by: Richard Mbachundu, Titukuke RCDA
We at Titukuke RCDA were recently visited by The President of The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) who was on a site visit to verify and motivate the peanut and vegetable Oil production project that they funded at a cost of $100,000. The youths supported during the Village Earth/Global Giving campaign contributed to the project by increasing the tonnage of stock and the number of vulnerable people living improved lives through cash sales of peanuts as well as improved healthy due to the rich peanut vegetable oil they are consuming. The oil product has undergone preliminary inspection with the Zambia Bureau of Standards so that we get a permit to supply. The organization further wants to inform our supporters and those reading the Village Earth newsletter that our profile competed favorably in the area of HIV and AIDS awareness for road construction work sites in our district. A campaign team was formed from among the membership and the youths have formed music and theatre groups that are supporting the awareness works.
Below are some pictures from these projects:
Titukuke peanut project visited by The USADF President front row second from left. Photo taken At the oil plant together with board, management and entourage
Titukuke facilitator teaching behavioral change positive life styles to construction workers at one of their sites. Awareness will take 18 months with effect from July,2015
The factory Manager displaying the oil products for sales promotion at the plant
Part of the packed vegetable oil stocked in readiness for sales
Titukuke theatre group performing during a youth gathering at Petauke Boarding School
The regional inspector from ZABS after formal compliance check- ups in the oil plant and brought the test results of the product
The label for the oil product-‘Nshawa’ means peanuts
Titukuke music group performing HIV awareness and prevention songs