Here is some point about the CRDT activities at the moment. We are working to help the rural communities to develop themselves and have access to new livelihood activities while reducing their impact on the environment and their consumption of natural resources. One of the challenge for rural communities is also to face the climate change, as we are living the driest season ever in Cambodia.SGH Training Center
Community Water Access Point
- Water Supply: funded by #AusAid through Direct Aid Program, CRDT facilitated the construction of 2 small solar powered pumping and water supply systems which were recently built in Pu Cha village, Sre Preah commune, Keo Seima district, Mondulkiri province.
Now the whole village of 78 households are not worried about water access and they are started to think about improving their livelihoods, health and sanitation with home-connected water.
- Environmental Education: sensitize workshops and training are on-going in the Mondulkiri area to raise the rural communities’ awareness about protecting the environment, reducing uncontrolled hunting, fishing and logging activities, and improving the agricultural productivity by practicing new agricultural techniques. The goal here is also to help the communities face and adapt themselves to the climate change.
- Enterprises: CRDT is also encouraging the development of small enterprises with skills and capacities training, and loaning through the creation of Self Help Groups.
Self Help Group Training
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